Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Clutter and Hoarding - Hoarding, Clutter and Depression

Sleepless nights, overeating, and sadness - these are some of the symptoms that a person with depression may experience. Unfortunately, many clutterers and hoarders may have similar symptoms. Life seems so difficult and stressful - what's the hope of making anything better? This article describes five common symptoms of depression and how they relate to cluttering and hoarding. You will also learn about hypnotherapy that can help you release feelings of depression so you can clear the clutter out of your life.

Sleep problems: One significant symptom of depression is a change in a person's sleeping patterns. Someone with feelings of depression usually has problems with too much sleep or insomnia. The sensation of inadequate rest can make a clutterer feel too exhausted to start even small decluttering tasks.

Eating problems: People with feelings of depression often have unbalanced eating habits. They may have a reduced appetite or may overeat. This can dramatically affect a clutterer's energy level and ability to think clearly.

Lack of energy: Feelings of depression are often linked with a lack of energy. They have low motivation, may not be getting restful sleep, and have trouble getting started. Someone facing a mountain of clutter will likely feel too fatigued to make much progress.

Negative/hopeless mood: A more obvious sign of depression is a negative, sad, anxious or even consistently angry mood. Negative emotions often rise from an abundance of negative thoughts and beliefs. A hopeless depressed mood can make even small tasks seem pointless and difficult.

Negative thoughts: Clutterers are often highly critical of themselves, telling themselves how they "should" do things and why they "can't" make it better. This can cause emotional paralysis and significant embarrassment.

If you are feeling some or all of these symptoms, this is a good time to reach out to someone you trust, who is gentle and supportive. You may be affected by depression, which is not something to deal with alone.

Also, consider getting help from one or more professionals. Your medical practitioner can help you improve your general health. Also, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy have been documented by researchers as being highly effective treatments for depression. A skilled hypnotherapist is someone you can trust to help you release your negative emotions and clear out depression. It's especially helpful to work with professionals who are specialists in clutter and hoarding.

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