Monday, April 21, 2014

How Do They Test For ADHD?

The truth is there is not one test that will definitively state that your child is ADHD. There is a series of tests that are done that test where s/he is at academically. Neuropsychological testing might be done to make sure there is nothing more serious going that would produce behaviors similar to ADHD.

The doctor who performs evaluations and observations of your child, will most likely have you and the teacher fill out behavioral scales. You would rate each single behavior listed according to the degree of severity or frequency that they occur. At this point all the data on the scales is collected and evaluated. Finally a diagnosis is made.

Let's say that your child has been diagnosed with ADHD and that now an education plan and a treatment plan need to be set up. It is common to prescribe stimulant drugs for ADHD. They are effective but there are a few issues with these drugs that you should be aware of.

These drugs can become very addictive. Currently the effecting they have on a growing brain is unknown but there are some short and long term side effects. With short term use your child could become depressed, have a loss of appetite, and have trouble sleeping.

When stimulants are used for an extended amount of time substance abuse and depression as adults is more likely to occur.

After they test for ADHD and treatment plans are discussed you do not have to put your child on prescribed medication. Many parents opt to use natural means of relieving their child's symptoms. An holistic approach encompasses treating the whole child and the effects ADHD has on them and their environment.

Natural supplements for ADHD are formulations of certain herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Since these supplements are not regulated, look for those that are FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved. They should also be made by a profession homeopath. An advantage to natural supplements is that they also could benefit your child's overall health.

The test(s) for ADHD are over and education and treatment plans are in place. Behavioral therapy might also be advised. It helps your child to understand his problems and how to work with them and eventually manage them on his own. Be warned however, that not everyone will respond to either the medications or natural supplements in the same manner. Several different methods of treatment might need to be tried. Don't give up trying you, your child, and family will be so much better off.

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