Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Atypical Depression - Symptoms and Treatment of Atypical Depression

Atypical is one subcategory of Depression. It has its own symptoms and its own treatments although they are similar to treatments for Typical Depression. We will compare the symptoms of Atypical Depression and Typical Depression and the treatments for Atypical Depression.


Atypical Depression is marked by mood reactivity with an elevated mood when good things happen. Increased eating occurs along with an increase in your weight. Too much sleeping and sensitivity to being rejected may also occur. More sensitivity in interpersonal relationships, chronic dysphoria- feeling intense hopelessness is possible. It appears more in women with more disability and restricted functioning. Women may make more use of health services. Childhood neglect and sexual abuse occur more in this form of Depression.

Typical Depression symptoms include Insomnia. Weight loss and insufficient eating may occur. There may be a reduction in sleep and a possible feeling of hopelessness though not as intense as in Atypical Depression. One might also be somewhat lethargic.

Treatments of Typical and Atypical Depression

Psychotherapy may work with up to 60% of patients at ten weeks in treatment. It can help with the sleep and eating issues. It can also benefit issues of rejection and any other issues that might be contributing to your Atypical Depression. In typical Depression Psychotherapy works well and in mild cases may be all that's needed.

MAOIs- Monomine Oxidase Inhibitors are effective treatments more so in Typical Depression. Due to a possible Tyramine reaction, patients are placed on extremely rigid diets. This causes them not to be the first choice in treatment.

Trycyclics are an older form of antidepressant medication and have been used in both Atypical and Typical Depression. They have extremely serious side effects. Prozac worked about as well as Trycyclics with fewer side effects.

Herbal Treatments are used to treat Depression. They work well in mild to moderate cases but studies still need to be done on their benefits in more severe cases such as Atypical Depression. Herbal supplements include herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other nutritive substances. They most often come in capsule form. They must be made to pharmaceutical standards. The ingredients' metabolic path at the molecular level should be examined and the interactions of the ingredients noted. This ensures their effectiveness, purity, potency, and safety.


Atypical Depression is more debilitating than Typical Depression with more women than men being diagnosed with it. The treatments for it are very similar to Typical Depression. Both are treatable but with different effects.

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