Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Discrete Way to Alleviate Depression at Work

Depression is a stigmatized and little understood affliction, specially at work where you can became discriminated. Indeed, suffering from depression can be a serious handicap affecting the job performance of the sufferer and in this way reducing her competitiveness at work putting in danger her job position. For that reason, in this article I will share with the readers some definitions about depression, common treatments, and finally the use of brainwave entrainment as an discrete alternative for depression treatment.

The main problem of working with depression are the particular symptoms of depression. They interfere with usual work activities such as team working, communication, or goal achievement. This disorder prevents the laborer to achieve his peak performance or even worse: total paralysis at work. Common symptoms are:

- Difficult of concentration
- Difficult to remember details
- Difficult to make decisions
- Irritability and restlessness
- Persistent sad and anxious
- Feelings of hopelessness and pessimism
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
- Loss of interest in pleasurable activities or hobbies, including sex
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Insomnia, early morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
- Overeating, or appetite loss
- Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

According the National Institute of Mental Health, depression touches roughly 20 million American adults or about 10% of the U.S. population over 18 years old in a given year.

Specialists say that depression can be caused by biological, psychological, and social factors, all of them playing a role to varying degrees in causing depression. Thus, depression comes when a preexisting weakness is activated by stressful life events. The preexisting weakness can be either genetic, implied in an interaction between nature and nurture, or schematic, resulting from what one learned in childhood.

The three major depression treatments known are: psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the normal treatment for people under 18. Electroconvulsive therapy is only indicated as the last resource. Medical attention is usually given on an ambulatory basis, while treatment in a hospital is considered only if there is a significant risk to self or others. A significant number of recent studies have indicated that physical exercise has beneficial effects over depression.

Usual medications prescribed for depression are sertraline, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and citalopram. However, Many patients cease medication due to side effects and overdoses risks from the medication. To find the most effective antidepressant medicament with minimal side effects, the dosages must be adjusted, and if necessary, combined of different classes of antidepressants can be tried enlarging in this way the period of treatment.

As alternative medicine for depression disorder treatment based on drugs, Brainwave Entrainment can be used. Indeed, therapies based on brainwave entrainment help you to reduce not only the depression feelings in the short term but also the patient can reduce the dose of medicine needed to relieve depression and even avoid drugs totally in the long term if the sufferer train his brain with the therapy frequently.

The way that brainwave entrainment works to smooth depression is firstly knowing the neurological base of this ailment. From the neurological angle, depression is a brainwave lack of equilibrium. It means that depressed people tend to have an hyperactive right hemisphere (the emotional side) predominant over their left one (the logical side). This is the reason why depressed people show irrational behavior and in serious cases they commit suicide, the temperamental side of your brain dominates the logical side of your brain.

Therefore, the technology of brainwave entrainment is about brain synchronization with a source of induced brainwaves to achieve a desired mental state. These brainwaves can be generated by sounds, physical vibrations, lights, or, recently discovered, electromagnetism.

A typical depression reduction session based on sounds consist of a source of a special sound that is listened between 15 and 30 minutes on regular basis. This session helps to reduce the activity in the right hemisphere, while increasing activity in the left, giving the patient more control over himself and reducing in that way the senseless thought patterns. In other words, these sessions slow down your temperamental (right) brain while accelerates your rational (left) brain, giving the patient the discernment to return to normality. Another advantage of this kind of therapy is that is a very discrete one. You can be listening your depression session at work and nobody will realize.

To conclude, depression disorder is a problem from which nobody is free. Depression also is the worst enemy of an employee. In the present article we learnt that Brainwave Entrainment can be easily used at work to treat this disease becoming in a good complement or even an alternative to those treatments based on drugs.

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