Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bio Chemical Causes of Depression

Depression can be caused by Genetic factors, bio-chemical deficiencies or for environmental reasons.

This article will cover the basics of Bio-chemical depression. Bio chemical depression can be attributed to a lack of brain chemicals, amino acids and nutrients. Bio-chemical depression has characteristics that distinguish it from other the other forms of depression, such as genetic or environmental, although these can contribute to the problem.

The typical characteristics of bio-chemical depression:

1. Feeling bad, having negative thoughts or emotions that are difficult or impossible to get out of your mind, feeling anxious or worried, and having symptoms of depression despite changes in your life.

A good questing to ask of yourself is: Do the symptoms seem to have no common root and seem as if you have always had them?

2. Have you attempted counseling in one form or another? Have you spent hours in therapy without getting better? Are you angry all the time and have no clear answer as to why.

3. You come home one day and learn you've won the lottery. You still feel depressed. All kidding aside, do positive changes in your life still leave you feeling depressed and bad.,

4. Do you wake early in the morning, and can not get back to sleep.

5. Nothing in your past memories identifies the starting point or the trigger for your depressed state.

6. Mood swings.

The common forms of biochemically induced depression are:

1. neurotransmitter depletion This is caused by imbalances in one of two amino acids: norepinephrine or serotonin. Norepinephrine and serotonin have other responsibilities to your body but when they are at adequate levels they do prevent depression.

2. Abnormal levels of triglycerides and cholesterol Low levels of both these substances in the brain can lead to depression. Exercise and changes in diet such as adding foods high in the fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 are important factors for balancing your fatty acid levels. Fish are a great source for both Omega 3 and Omega 6. Other simple changes in diet that can help, limit your intake of man-made fatty acids: mayonnaise, french fries, chips, and cookies.

3. Thyroid disease or imbalances.

4. Drinking or eating high levels of sugar or caffeine can cause hypoglycemia. Slow down on the soda. Drink one pot instead of two pots of coffee and limit your intake. But, don't quit cold turkey. Cut back slowly.

5. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin deficiencies that can trigger depression are vitamin deficiencies of B-1, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-12 and folic acid, and mineral deficiencies that cause depression are deficiencies in magnesium, calcium. zinc, iron, manganese and potassium.

Depression isn't a sign of weakness. It is an illness. It is treatable and the good feelings will return. Be patient and learn. Knowing where to begin is critical for getting the proper treatment, the best treatment and recovery.

For example, if your depression is based on environmental factors, divorce, job loss or a death, then counseling may help. Whereas if you're genetically predisposed to depression, maybe you're bi-polar. Then getting medical help, a prescription, along with lifestyle changes will be necessary.

Be active in your treatment. Be involved. Know your symptoms and become knowledgeable. Participate in your diagnosis and recovery.

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