Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Quotations on Success - Read Them For Daily Inspiration

When I started learning to surf the web, my first job was to find some quotes for success. I collected those quotes, and in fact I made an e book in this regards. These are a collections from different authors who have excelled in their particular fields.

Everyday, I have to search for some additional success quotes from anything I read, in magazines, heard from the radio, see on TV, and on the Internet.

My latest collection of quotes is from my favorite mentor, John Maxwell, the world renown motivational speaker and leadership author of enormous leadership books, and CD's. I also made an e Books based on what I gathered from leadership quotes.

These collection of success quotes was my inspiration to increase my mode to drive my passion into an active fashion. It's easy for me to write more especially my area of expertise. With my participation to some writing challenges online, it's from my inspiration I learned from my collections of success quotes.

The moment I'm facing a blank wall in my article writing activities, I just scan through my quote collections and read some motivational quotes in line with the theme I am writing.

My favorite quotes I always refer is from Napoleon Hill that says, "The starting point of achievement... small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat". I always get my strength from this powerful quote, that drives me to continue writing despite facing blank.

Not only in writing I get my strength from these success quotes, when I'm alone and desperate, nothing to lean on, I have to open my collection of quotes, read those that jibes my desperation, and really helps.

I am carried away with the quotes from Zig Ziglar that says, "When things seems bad... it's always good".

Ziglar, guided me from isolation and depression to a more brighter outlook in my life to focus on the positive side of desperation.

Based on my own experience of reading my daily collections of success quotes, I was able to formulate more detailed plan for all my daily activities accurately with almost positive impact in my life.

This would continue until someday, my collections runs out of sources, but as long as there are still some quotes I could collect, I'll always compile them for future consumption and to share to my fellow men.

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