Monday, October 21, 2013

Overcome Your Depression With Five Suggestions

The myth about depression

Whenever a person feels low, the individual will tend to say, "I am depressed". This is far from the truth. "I feel depressed" is a more accurate state.

Some of the symptoms are as follows:

  • A general sense of low or down mood that pervades in all aspects of life.

  • An inability to become interested in activities that were enjoyed previously.

  • Ruminate over thoughts and feelings of one's worthlessness and a feeling of not being good enough.

  • A sense of guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, sadness, self-hatred and self-punishing thoughts.

  • Refusal to participate in social events and activities.

  • Chronic insomnia.

  • Appetite often decreases, resulting in weight loss.

  • Some may result in comfort eating and gain weight.

  • Some people report multiple physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches or digestive problems and pains.

  • Panic attacks or anxiety can grab the person.

  • Loss of sex drive or low sex drive.

No matter what kind of symptoms you experience or what you are depressed about, the fact remains that there is a chemical imbalance in your brain.

There are two main parts of the brain: The thinking brain (sympathetic nervous system - stimulation)The emotional brain (parasympathetic nervous system - relaxation)

When you feel bad, your emotional brain is reacting to stress chemicals and hence you cannot relax and thus it causes anxiety, panic or pain.

To counter this, some kind of behavioural intervention is needed to help your brain to produce the natural "happy chemicals" for your well-being.

1. Diaphragm breathing exercise.

Expand your stomach when you breathe in and contract your stomach when you breathe out.

Imagine you are expanding with the Universe and while contracting,feel the softening of all muscles, tissues and ligaments. Keep breathing until you feel a sense of calmness or relaxation.

2. Free yourself from all negative thoughts by shifting your attention to neutral thoughts or activities.

Example: Recite a nursery rhyme many times over or use a Mantra of "Shish" or "Om". It may not carry any meaning but it kicks the negative thoughts out of its dominant position. This draws the attention away from the emotional brain to the thinking brain. Depression belongs to the emotional brain.

3. Be an Observer

When you feel depressed, mentally step back and observe the feelings of hopelessness or helplessness. Simply recognise the feelings and acknowledge that you are not the feelings. You embrace by giving thanks to yourself for feeling it.

Example: "I am grateful for allowing myself to feel this pain" or"I am thankful for acknowledging this discomfort".

This will cause your brain to neutralise those chemicals because you are no longer consuming it.

4. Physical exercise

Go for a brisk walk, jog, swim or cycle. You will get your adrenaline rush and it is best way to combat the emotional brain.

5. Pay attention to your self-talk

Self-talk is the on-going conversation that you have with yourself in your own mind like a broken record, playing over and over again. Be mindful and arrest the negative self-talk by replacing it with positive self-talk.

Example: "I am hopeless and I simply cannot do anything right".

Change to: "I may not know how to do it now however, I'll learn to do them correctly in time".

Remember this -

You are not your mind, you are not your thoughts; you create your mind, you create your thoughts. The mind that created the problem is the same mind that can undo it.

Some people may have allowed themselves to fall so deep into the hole and external help may be needed besides self-intervention.

There are many therapies in the market that one can engage. They range from psychotherapy to counselling, coaching to hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is by far the most effective and takes the shortest time to help a person get out of feeling depressed because hypnosis works with the subconscious mind. The subconscious is the direct link to the emotional brain and thus transforming it effectively.

Hypnotherapy can also resolve inner conflicts and install positive beliefs and feelings such as:

  • Elevating self-worth and self-esteem

  • Positive energy

  • Feeling motivated

  • A new sense of excitement and hope

In addition, hypnosis can help you to tap on your unlimited potential to do great things, reactivate your passion and reclaim your life.

Get Rid Of Your Depression Once and For ALL

Hypnotherapy is a very effective and permanent solution to help you to lift the clouds of depression. Nancy Ho, Clinical Hypnotherapist can help you to live your life to the fullest.

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