Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bipolar Disorder Depression - Everything You Need to Know

Bipolar disorder,which is at times referred as manic depression, is a condition that causes serious varying moods, thinking, behavior and energy. Unlike the normal mood swings, those caused by bipolar are so severe that they end up interfering with an individual's normal functioning. During one of the manic episodes a sufferer will spend abnormal high amounts of money, quit school or job impulsively or even have irregular and abnormal sleeping habits. A depressive episode will make the sufferer to have long sleeping tendencies, have feelings of self pity, hopelessness and self-loathing.

What causes bipolar is not quite clear but the condition is in many occasions hereditary and mostly, the first symptoms will start showing in early adulthood or in the teenage years. Because the symptoms exhibited by bipolar disorder are similar with those exhibited by other mental and depressive conditions, a good number of people with the condition are either overlooked completely or diagnosed wrongly making them suffer unnecessary. Even then, if proper medications and treatment is administered, a sufferer can comfortably lead a normal productive life.

A bipolar disorder depression is an episode that makes a sufferer have feelings of self pity, guilty, worthlessness, hopelessness and at times nurse suicidal thoughts. Some time back, this depression was categorized as any other regular depression; research has started showing that there are a lot of differences between normal depression and depression caused by bipolar disorder especially with the kind of medications offered for the two. A normal depression can be treated with use of anti-depressants but studies show that if a bipolar case is treated with anti-depressants, then the condition might worsen further leading to triggering of advanced mania episodes and at times interfering with other drugs used for mood stabilizing.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder depression:

  • irritability

  • mental and physical sluggishness

  • low levels of energy and feeling unusual tired

  • reduced interest in pleasure

  • alteration in weight and appetite

  • memory and concentration problems

  • nursing suicidal thoughts

  • feeling empty, sad and hopeless

Although normal depression will have similar symptoms like those exhibited by bipolar disorder, some symptoms are more pronounced in bipolar. For instance, a bipolar sufferer will exhibit irritability, restlessness, mood swings that cannot be predicted and guilt more than normal depression. Again, sufferers of bipolar depression sleep more often, speak little and slowly and move a lot less. To top it all, a sufferer may develop psychotic which is a condition that makes one to completely lose touch with reality and experience disability in social and work functioning.

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