Sunday, July 7, 2013

Manic Depression - The Facts Everyone Needs to Know

Manic depression is better known as bipolar depression and is characterized by dramatic mood swings. This is a major affective disorder and one that will need treatment with antidepressants and therapy.

The facts about manic depression are:

• Dramatic mood swings
• Insomnia
• Hallucinations
• Psychosis
• Paranoia
• Rage
• Grandiose delusions

Bipolar disorder is a genetic disorder, which can be mild depression and mood swings or extreme symptoms. This can cause distortion of perception and social function impairment that can run in families.

This is a depression condition that can occur between the ages of 15 and 24 lasting throughout the lifetime of the patient. Older adults over the age of 65 can also be diagnosed with manic depression.

The symptoms of manic depression that other family members can take note of are:

• Sudden weight loss
• Sudden weight gain
• Fatigue
• Difficulty with concentration
• Feelings of guilt
• Worthlessness
• Hopelessness
• Insomnia
• Persistent sadness
• Restlessness
• Irritability
• Thoughts of suicide

There are several types of bipolar disorders the physician can diagnose the patient with depending on the symptoms. These can be:

Cyclothymia: This is mild form of manic depression or bipolar disorder, which includes hypomania. The highs and lows are not as severe or disruptive as other types of bipolar disorders.

This type of bipolar disorder I diagnosis includes difficulties in relationships, in employment and school. There can be manic episodes, which can be severe or personally dangerous.

This type of depression is not as severe as bipolar disorder I. Bipolar II elevated mood or irritability. This type of manic depression the patient is usually able to carry on with their normal routine. The symptoms of depression can last longer than the periods of hypomania.

Bipolar rapid cycling disorder: This is a type of bipolar disorders that has what is considered rapid mood swings. This means the patient has at least four mood swings within a twelve month period. There are patients that have these shifts in mood swings much faster, occurring within hours.

There is scientific research that has determined that people with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in the brain chemistry. There is also evidence of differences in neurotransmitters, with an imbalance in these chemicals that plays a role in manic and other types of depression Symptoms. Other data shows this can be an inherited trait, when a parent has been diagnosed with this condition. Hormones can also play a pivotal role in bipolar depression and a stressful environment can be a factor in manic depression.

This is a condition that must be treated with antidepressant medication and combined with therapy to decrease the symptoms, including suicidal thoughts that can be a part of the symptoms and mood swings. Manic depression like other types of depression cannot be seen with x-rays or blood tests, which means keeping records of the symptoms is one of the easiest ways to help being diagnosed.

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