Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Get Rid of Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder

When affecting people, anxiety and bipolar disorder could manifest interdependency. Most patients that experience bipolar disorder also have problems with anxiety. Some people worry a lot and their moods could vary from time to time. There are also folks who usually experience extreme mood elevation and worries, which have a terrible effect on their lives. These negative feelings could influence their daily decision making, which could in its turn make them ineffective in whatever they do.

To differentiate the two, anxiety disorder makes the patients extremely anxious in different events. It has different classifications:

  • the general anxiety disorder,

  • panic disorder,

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder,

  • social phobia,

  • specific phobia and

  • post-traumatic stress disorder.

While bipolar disorder or manic-depressive is a condition, in which patients experience rise and fall of mood. The patients could be very happy and active then suddenly become sad and depressed. These extreme emotions could occur alternately or could be separated by a normal behavior. It is hard for patients with this disorder to ever function well.

The signs and symptoms of manic disorder aside from mood elevation and irritability are:

  • Always thrilled with exaggerated excitement

  • Restlessness and very active

  • Reduced sleeping periods

  • Believe in fake supernatural powers

  • Talks very fast and ideas jump from one topic to another

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Lack of judgment

  • Increase level of sexual desires

  • Drug abuse

  • Offensive actions

The signs and symptoms of depressive disorder:

  • Constantly feeling sad, insignificant and empty

  • Always tired

  • Too much sleeping

  • Sudden weight loss or gain

  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors

  • Always unhappy

  • Irritable

  • Unable to concentrate and make valuable decisions

To identify if the patients manifest anxiety and bipolar condition:

  • The patients experience anxiety or panic attacks together with mania and depression.

  • They have very poor response on the initial treatments given.

  • There is difficulty in finding the right dose and medications.

The sufferers of this condition cannot work together with other people and are not able to handle their responsibilities well. Most of them who experience despair would try to commit suicide or are becoming substance dependent. There is no need to let the condition taking you to such an extreme for we have myriads of successful ways to control anxiety levels and mood instability available today to help the patients.

  • The patients are encouraged to exercise regularly. This could allow the body to function properly and cope well to stresses.

  • Adequate sleep can reduce anxiety level and manic episodes.

  • It is important to avoid illegal drugs and alcoholic beverages. They can aggravate mood swings and anxieties.

  • It is also helpful for patients to join a support group. The support they gain would encourage them to cooperate with the treatments.

Aside from the things suggested above, it is also best that they fully submit to the treatments. There is a wide variety of treatments to choose from. Having undergone the prescribed treatments, the patients do not need to suffer any longer. They can get rid of the disorder and live happily ever after. If the patients manifest the symptoms, it is very important to seek professional help because the condition will get worse if it is not treated.

The treatment process would involve therapies and administration of medications. The most common therapy used for the disorder is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Through this, the patients practice to modify their negative thoughts and behaviors into positive ones. They are exposed to situations that could cause them to be anxious and they can react positively.

Family therapy is also used. This involves the family members to resolve the conflicts they have and remind the patients that they are loved and to encourage them to do well.

Relaxation therapy is also integrated with all the therapies to help the patients calm down in anxiety provoking situations. Deep breathing technique, guided imagery, yoga and massage are the most common relaxation methods.

In addition, a therapy that is used to treat bipolar condition is the interpersonal and social rhythm therapy. Through this, the patients' activities are scheduled every day so they will have regularity of the things that they will do, thus it will make them less anxious and their moods are more stable.

Medications are also given for the disorder. There are mood stabilizers that are administered to treat the mania and depression, and then some low dose of antidepressants to treat high level of anxieties. The medications could present some side effects that is why patients taking the drugs are cautiously monitored. For most patients, a combination of therapies and medications are used for the treatment process. Sometimes they have to try series of treatments to know which method works best. With the effective cure available now, the patients should also cooperate and commit to the process to make it successful. The patients' will to be cured is always the greatest agent in his or her treatment.

Patients could get rid of anxiety and bipolar disorder. They can live happily again without their unnecessary anxieties and mood swings.

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