Monday, May 27, 2013

How To Overcome Depression

A lot of people engage in negative thinking either about other people or about themselves. A lot of people hold resentment for years - never letting go of the past. This definitely paints a picture of a person where his past is controlling his present. You must get past this...

What you must do to move forward in your life is to forgive

1) Yourself if you felt you did something bad in the past...
2) Another person for what they have done to you in the past...

You must not let a person, an incident or yourself get in the way of your future. You have a life to live... so live it!

You need to write down the reasons why you want to overcome depression. When the going gets tough, you need to become energized again by the reasons you wrote down. These are your lifeline. Another great technique is to make the reasons bigger than you. Make it about somebody else. A person is far more likely to let themselves down rather than let someone else down.

Another great step to change your emotion is to first change your motion. Change how you move, how you talk, change how you act. All these motions provide certainty and clarity. Change how you move and you will change how you think. Put those shoulders back, walk with certainty and purpose, speak with clarity and watch your life change once more...

Finally I want to discuss something which is very important which is reaching out for help. Again it the reasons that keep you going. First come reasons, then come results. What are your reasons to do this?. Reach out for help and reach out in a way that you want to change. Approach someone you admire and ask them for guidance. Once a mind has embraced a new idea, it can never go back to its old ways. It is imperative that you seek out mentors and coaches who can help you.

They do not necessarily have to be professional. Why not talk to a person you respect first? There is so much power in your tongue (spoken word... ). Words really do move mountains and what you will notice is that your words will become much more positive around positive people. As you speak, so shall you become...

Above all, you can overcome depression but as I have said, it all starts with a decision. Make that decision Today!

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