Friday, May 3, 2013

Dealing With A Bipolar Disorder Patient

Family And Support

Although it is hard to realize, but a bipolar disorder does not define a person. At times it becomes hard to cope up with a person suffering from this disorder. It seems impossible to cheer up a person going through this type of depression. The relationships of a person having this condition are adversely affected over time. Living with a such person gives rise to stress, misunderstanding and confrontation. One must reckon that feelings of the person are because of illness and these feelings are beyond his/her control. A strong support group including family is most critical for a patient having this disorder. It is along term illness and small triggering factors can aggravate the symptoms of this disorder over and over again during life time. However, consistent treatment and lifestyle changes can keep the symptoms under control. Patients who realized their condition (patients usually feel like every thing is normal during the episodes of this mood disorder) and adopted defensive measures against this disorder have been living successful lives.

Prominent Symptoms

This type of mood disorder is dominantly characterized by depression episodes as compared to the mania or hypomania (high energy levels and moods). Mania or hypomania episodes of this disorder are comprised of elevated moods, high energy levels and aggressive behaviors. This condition may lead to poor decisions and destructive behavior. However, a patient going through this phase of bipolar disorder is hard to diagnose. In most cases, patients of bipolar are diagnosed during the depression episodes of this disorder. These episodes exhibit symptoms like sadness, hopelessness, lack of interest and concentration in activities, crying spells, low energy and restlessness.

Severe Bipolar Episodes

In severe cases, a patient may experience symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. Most devastating outcomes of bipolar disorder include suicidal thoughts and plans. Hospitalization and medication can relieve these symptoms to some extent in chronic cases of bipolar disorder. Family and loved ones have to be really careful, if the patients talks about death and thinks that ending up his/her is the last resort.Bipolar patients have a higher tendency of attempting suicide.

Best Practices

Learning about this type of depression helps the family to support the patient in a better way. Consistent emotional support and encouragement by the family improves the effectiveness of the treatment. Doctor usually prescribe medication for a longterm and patient's compliance is mandatory for that duration.

Patients also have to play a vital role in enhancing their quality of life. Getting involved in the treatment, healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleeping are some of the steps to avoid the recurrence of bipolar disorder.

For further information about this disorder and different types of depression click here.

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