Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Winning Foods to Ward Off Depression

We all have our ups and downs in life, but for the nearly 15 million people who suffer with depression each year, the downs in life become the norm with few ups, if any. Although both men and women experience depression, it is known to be more common for women and even more common for women who battle weight issues and poor body-image.

Valentine's Day can be a terrible time for women who are depressed. This is because in couples, it is often met with the sadness and disappointment of unmet expectations of their partners. For single women longing for a relationship, it is a time that can deepen their sense of loneliness leading to even deeper depression.

Research now shows that depression can be helped by making better choices in what we eat and drink, controlling our weight and feeling good about our body-image. With wine and chocolate being the food and drink symbolic of love and romance, it may surprise you to know that they can also heighten depression. In this article, we'll look at some winning foods to help you mind your health, control your weight and ward off depression on Valentine's Day and all year long.

Winning Foods to Ward Off Depression:

Carbohydrates:Your brain needs carbohydrates to function optimally. The problem is when you eat too many refined carbohydrates and sugar you are causing spikes and lows in your blood glucose levels that can induce or worsen symptoms of depression. To ward off these symptoms, you'll want to eat less refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta, white rice, white bagels and less sugar such as found in chocolate, cake, pastries, cookies, pies, muffins and other fatty baked goods. Replace these with healthier carbohydrates such as found in fruits and vegetable.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Studies suggests that foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna and sardines can help fight depression.

B vitamins: Research has shown that when your body is too low on B vitamin folic acid and too high in a protein called homocysteine, you are at increased risk of depression. Folic acid and other B vitamins have all been shown to lower homocysteine levels. Increase your B vitamins by eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes.

Eating depression-friendly foods is not necessarily going to cure your depression. Healthy eating is only one piece of a complex puzzle. It must be combined with other measures such as counseling, therapy and medication where necessary. If you think you may be suffering from depression, then be sure to consult a medical professional. In the mean time, start taking charge of your health by eating more of these winning foods to ward off the symptoms of depression.

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